Question 1:
The first question asks about the colours expected in
R&B magazines, where 75% of recipients said that they would expect to see
black, white and grey. Which backs up our conventions research into R&B.
The remaining 25% expected to see bright, flamboyant colours, which isn't
typical of an R&B style of magazine, but it can offer unique aspects.
Question 2:
Question 2 asks for opinions on whether the magazine should
include a lot of text and reading over visual aspects, which may include
pictures and a lot less writing. 75% of the people who took the questionnaire
chose visually appealing, again, backing up a typical music magazines style, to
use visual aspects over written to attract the reader.
Question 3:
The third question asks about the language and typography
used. How half of the people said slang is mainly used, where the other half
expected to see abbreviations in R&B magazines because it is what is most
expected from this type of genre of music magazine. The question could be
worded differently and could include more specific and appropriate terms.
Question 4:
This question asked the participants if provocative images
on the front cover would appeal to the younger audience. Everyone responded yes
to this, which suggests that images are the unique aspect of the magazine and
the cover, which is where the selling point is. This however may lead to
inappropriate uses of images which may stereotype certain people and pressurize
Question 5:
All applicants who filled out the question about whether serif
or san-serif would be most appropriate for an R&B magazine, decided
san-serif, as this would be considered more modern for the target audience, and
backs up our conventions research of R&B magazines.
Question 6:
Question 6 asked people if they thought the audience reading
the magazine would include more males or females, and the majority said that
they expected females to be reading R&B magazines more than males, which
surprised us, as we expected males to be more into R&B, rap style of music.
Question 7:
According to our results, it was even between which gender
would be more appealing to the target audience, showing that there is an even
view between who should be on the cover of an R&B magazine, but shows that
it doesn't make much of a difference, as both would have a similar impact,
maybe just with more of the opposite gender being more attracted.
Question 8:
The majority of the people who answered this question agrees
with how the title/masthead has a big impact on the reader, and is what stands
out and catches their attention over most of the other things on the cover,
probably excluding the main image. Instead of asking about just the title, any
aspects of the cover can be asked if they have an impact on the target
Question 9:
For the final question, we asked for feedback on the
questionnaire itself and we received a lot of positive feedback and also some
constructive criticism. Next time this isn't really needed, as this pilot
questionnaire could use the feedback on how to improve for the final
questionnaire, and work on it, also, an additional question could be added to
gather even more useful information before production.
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