Friday, 4 November 2016

Final Questionnaire Analysed

Question 1:
The first question asks what age you would consider the main target audience to be for an R&B magazine, with the average response being 18, which backs up what we were initially saying when mentioning teenagers/young adults.

Question 2:
Question 2 asks for which type of house style is most expected for an R&B magazine, with dark colours being first, grayscale being second and bright colours being third, all on average, which shows that the typical stereotype of an R&B genre tend to be darker and more masculine than compared to a pop magazine for example, which is what we originally predicted.

Question 3:
The third question asks about whether the magazine being visual or textual is more appealing to the audience, with the results clearly still showing that the music magazines need to be well done visually.

Question 4:
This question asked which type of language would be most appropriate for the R&B genre of magazine, with the responses being colloquial, with standard English being second, showing that the language can use slang but would be wanted to be still understandable.

Question 5:
All applicants who filled out the question involving whether formal or informal information is preferred, displaying how informal language would be most appropriate to the target audience, as the younger generation aren’t as bothered about written communication and abbreviations.

Question 6:
Here, san-serif is still preferred, as the target audience are still ok with the normal style of language and communication that is being used to display the information.

Question 7:
According to our results, the male demographic is still seen as more appealing to the target audience, showing that there is a strong view on how genres display themselves to their specific target audience.

Question 8:
Although it is very close, the male is shown by the results as the best to include on the main image of the cover, with both genders still being ok to use with similar responses and feedback.

Question 9:
From this question, it is gathered that more popular artists would be best to be used on the main image of the cover rather than new and upcoming ones. I agree with this as more popular artist would be more recognisable, therefore, they will attract more people to buy the magazine.

Question 10:
The last question is in favour of provocative images having a strong influence on the target audience buying the magazine, as the R&B genre targeting teens and young adults tend to set examples and trends that are then normally followed/copied depending on the artist.

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