Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Genre Research

"Contemporary R&B, also known as simply R&B, is a music genre that combines elements of rhythm and blues, soul, funk, pop, hip hop and dance, which was mainly a genre of popular African-American music that originated in the 1940s.
The genre features a distinctive record production style, drum machine-backed rhythms, an occasional saxophone-laced beat to give a jazz feel (mostly common in contemporary R&B songs prior to the year 1995) and a smooth, lush style of vocal arrangement. Electronic influences are becoming an increasing trend and the use of hip hop or dance-inspired beats are typical, although the roughness and grit inherent in hip hop may be reduced and smoothed out. Contemporary R&B vocalists are often known for their use of melisma, popularized by vocalists such as Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_R%26B

The colour palette of this genre can range in colours, but usually uses visible text on top of a dark background so that the content stands out to the audience.
R&B images usual display a sexual aspect to it from the use of both men and women artists being made to wear minimal clothing to connote the sense of sexuality the R&B genre has. The minimal clothing of both genders tends to be used to attract more of the opposite sex as a way of bringing in more of an audience due to physical attraction.
Celebrities may include Big Sean, ICE CUBE, 50 Cent, Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, Lil Wayne and more as the main male artists that would be used to represent this genre. Where the female artists may include Nicki Minaj, Rito Ora, Rihanna and BeyoncĂ©. 
The iconography and props that tend to be used in this genre include jewellery, chains, guns and tattoos connoting the typical features this genre involves. 
The main target audience would range from those of the age of 13 to those around 25, as an estimate, as the conventions of this genre appear to this target audience the most. 

Progress Report

From my initial research I did on the different magazine types involved in the R&B genre, I gained a few ideas that I could use for my front cover, contents page and double page spread when it comes round to it. I understand the different conventions better now that are used in music magazines and will incorporate these as much as possible to the best standard I can. We discovered the typical iconography features for R&B and found out what were good and weren't so good about R&B magazines that have been previously been done by both professionals and students. The layout that I will use will be well presented to the audience displaying a number of areas that connote the genre of the magazine, and display information well in a clear font with a good use of unique but suited colours, without using too many so that it makes the magazine look overwhelming.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Textual Analysis - Student Work - Double Page Spead

Kyra's Textual Analysis - Student Work - Contents Page

Oliver's Textual Analysis - Student Work - Cover Page

Influential Figures

My main influential figures involved in the song/film industry include Drake (rapper), Justin Bieber (singer), Jesse Eisenberg (actor), Will Smith (actor), Cara Delevingne (actor/model), Wiz Khalifa (rapper), Eminem (rapper), and many others. Examples of magazine publishers, producers and institutions that I would consider myself influenced by would include, Bauer (media group/institution), XXL (magazine publisher), Vibe (magazine publisher), Quincy Jones (producer) and Empire (magazine publisher).

This YouTube video of Justin Bieber included him being interviewed and talks about how he loves what he does and makes the best effort to make his fans happy, also including that he is not perfect, and admits he has bad days like everyone does. This shows to me that he is being honest with everyone and can be seen as an influential figure by saying these things.

This magazine cover is an example of how Eminem is portrayed in the media and what genre music and type of target audience he is involved with. The different conventions included in the magazine display a typical stereotype representation of a Hip-hop/rap/R&B magazine. Also, because he is a famous rapper and is known by many, he would be considered an influential figure by many.

Oliver's Textual Analysis - Double Page Spread

Oliver's Textual Analysis - Contents Page

Oliver's Textual Analysis - Front Cover

Kyra's Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis - Double Page Spread

Textual Analysis - Contents Page

Textual Analysis - Front Cover

Monday, 10 October 2016

Update on Group

Me, Oliver Wain and Kyra-Mai Green have joined together for the print after discussing the workload and ideas we had. We compromised from our original ideas of rap and urban, and finally decided on a merge between the two to make a R&B magazine. Our target audience will still be the same as before, with older teenagers and young adults, with Vibe still being the main magazine influence.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Response to Brief

I have chosen the print brief because with my skills I think I would produce a better magazine than film, as the creative style the print needs appeals to me more, also, a print is more comfortable for me to do than a film, relating to techniques I would be able to apply. I have chosen the genre: R&B; because this can target multiple audiences who enjoy this sort of music whose age varies. My initial thoughts on who the audience will be, is older teenagers and young adults. There are many media texts that inspire me, such as Vibe, as these are a good example of what I will aim my print to look like.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Print Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style). Maximum four members to a group.

All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of FOUR images per candidate.